CBC Reports on Challenges of Breastfeeding

An interesting news report from CBC's OB/Gyn reporter Dr. Jennifer Ashton.

Go To CBC website to view video

Where Oh Where Did My Breastmilk Go?

Millions of breastfeeding mothers ask this question to themselves (and others) at least once if not 100 times during the time they are breastfeeding. The answer depends on where you are on the journey. This blog will review the answers.

I Don't Want To Breastfeed?!?

Many mothers are quite ambilivant about the decision and feel pressure both ways. View this great article about the decision and ways to help make it. Also check the site it comes from  www.BestforBabies.com

Postpartum Anxiety and Depression - 1 in 5 affected.

depression postpartum
The symptoms of postpartum anxiety and depression often go unrecognized in the mother who is less than 12 months from having a baby. We the medical community are often reluctant to address it, mother's are reluctant to admit they are hurting and everyone suffers.

Nightingales Breastfeeding Support Center expands into Ridgefield and Danbury

Nightingales, the home of The Boob Whisperer, Dr. Jennifer Moore, is thrilled to announce that there are new options for breastfeeding mothers and babies. We now have IBCLCs in our new locations. 

Nightingales provides pre, peri, and post natal breastfeeding classes, consultation, and help.

For appointments call 203-229-2088 or visit our NEW WEBSITE! www.Breastfeeding-MD.com